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جایزه بهترین فیلم ماه اخیر تعلق می گیرد به
There is no description for these writings, the description will no doubt differ from the writings, and so they will not be limited by their own description.
Do I really have anything to say or am I just wasting my time here?
I don't want to answer this question. The truth is that what ever the answer, I am nearly always unsure of what to do; which might arise from the fact that I am unsure of what I want.
I have got, to change the way I live. My real concern is with what I want, and I try all sort of stuff and I sometimes runaway trying to hide from the fact that I am unsure, that I am lost. Some things appear important to me while others I wonder of their importance and I can't associate to both at the same time and so I feel wasted, I feel unworthy of the chances I have.
I feel frightened sometimes that I may lose what I am yet I am unsure if what I am is real. Is all the stuff that have become associated to me through the pressures of life, and have become my belongings, those I care most for, fake? If I lose the respected, well known, talented, and graceful personality I have, will anything really change; yet when I look at myself, or rather at the things I do, or more deeply at the things that drive me to what I do, I see not a many things worthy of respect or fame; I do see talent, but I see it wasting and that scares me. Do I live to be respected? What is it that I want?
Do I long for peace of mind, for the tranquil moments of freedom, from all that scares me? It seems that this state of freedom, is rather better phrased as security. I want to be safe. What is it that I want to be safe from? What is it that is attacking my whole being all the time? Why and what of am I so afraid of? Am I afraid of losing myself, of losing the many things that have become part of me over time? Is it death that I fear so much? Is it real death that I fear or is it the state of losing my self, my mind maybe that scares me? I am sure that I am scared, yet not so sure of what is scaring me. I am afraid of losing Ali. I am scared that a time might come or that some curtain will fall and some other, different Ali, less respectful, known, and talented will be exposed upon the world. But which is the real Ali? The one quivering of fear or the one behind the curtain? Is there a third Ali? Yes, there is a third Ali, one that is the most talented, most praised being of the world, and he is what I long for. He is what I think I should be, he is what I show the world of myself, resulting in the fear that the curtain might fall, and I might be exposed naked, without any mask to protect me from the poisonous eyes of the world. Yes, this is it. I long to be the best, the most talented, respected, praised ever, but I am not, and that is what scares me, what drives me to security. I am not the best, most talented, respected, famous, and praised being of the world, yet that is truly what I wish for the world to recognize of me. So there is me, as I am which in fact I am unsure if I truly know how I am, and there is this Ali, up there, where no one can touch, or rather where no one should touch, being torn apart, by the fact that he is less than what he longs to be. Ali is a mere illusion, since one can not be perfect, untouchable from the harms and imperfections aroused by nature and the fact of being human. So there is no perfect Ali, in fact there can not be any perfect Ali, and the perfect, unreachable Ali is just an illusion, a mere childly play of the mind, imagining to be more; but there is an Ali, one who breathes, walks on the earth, thinks, and does many a things; that Ali is human, and that is all.
I am only human. I shall not feel ashamed of not being something that is impossible to be.
Saturday 12/23/06
Its snowing outside, Shajarian is singing, writing GTK+ code and just decided to write some of the stuff I am doing here.
The mountains of
The snow has stopped, its a bit cold. The helloworld2 program worked, I am going to take a little break, I thinks I deserves it.
Now the mountains I long to see have come to my vision; I can bring my head up and look at the glory of mount. Soltan Gheis, wearing the white and glorious snow; I've been home, and back. Let's get back to work.
Some points I caught.
No more points for now.
After a long time I am listening to Sute-Delan, and it works magic. Yes!
No time to tell what I am doing; loads of brain stuff needed to work this out. Sorry.
Going home. Enough for today.
Sunday 12/24/06
Listening to Sharghe Anduh.
One nice thing to do when your tired is to chat with a friend who is also tired and online; but to my least expectations, I can't do that because of the heavy network proxy and every other thing they use to cut people like me from the online world. I can't even play MP3's or DVD's. Fedora 6 is cool, but it sucks for missing an MP3 player. I searched the net, and there are plugins that one can download for both MP3 and DVD play, but those aren't downloadable with the network I am using. Makes me sad. I'll look to see if I have brought any music that might cheer me up. Cheers.
The mountains have come into vision again, it's around 4 o'clock and Sultan Gheis is visible, yet not in whole, clouds surround him and he still wears white.
Monday 12/25/06
Today There is no snow, no fog, no clouds in the blue sky of
The table_demo program was written succesfully. No big problems. I've learned to use boxes and tables for packaging widgets. Oh and I think I did something great.
Yum is used on fedora for doing updates and stuff like that; it wasn't working first, so I searches the yum documentation online and found out that I needed to set the proxy server and port to make it work. I configured the file /etc/yum.conf. Adding the line:
proxy = :8080
and to my surprise it works. I like this, I feel like I am learning stuff I hadn't dared go around, in fear of failing. I can. Oh and yes the MP3 plugins are being downloaded. Still no MP3 though!
At last GTKmm is installed, not tested yet, but that should be done in fairly little time. Yes, it was just tested and it works. The only thing is that C++ looks fairly unfamiliar compared to C for me. I am all going for the challenge.
Looks like there are loads of things to learn; got to start somewhere.
Listening to seir (Journey). shall it be.
Saturday 12/30/06
Yes, at last I got Totem to play MP3 for me, it hadn't been as hard as I had expected, but time consuming, and now I am listening to Fritz Steinegger playing one of Beethoven's piano pieces. I downloaded 4 of his performances. The network was fast today after a power failure. To my chance I guess.
The main thing I am here for is GTK+ and GTKmm so I better go off to my coding. Forgot to tell you about the weather and what went on Friday. Hope to find some time.
Breaking news is that Saddam was hanged. That marks a point in history. Who could or would deny the evil he committed against the Iraqis, the Iranians, the Muslims, the human kind, but more to my mind's concern against himself as part of the human race. How grateful one should be for the death of an evil dictator, yet how sad to see the end of a human being like this. Peace be upon the world. As I read the news, thought of it, and saw the videos I could see through the office window an old man carrying a heavy load and a student coming out of the copy room with her copies in her hand, Life goes on, and the death of such a dictator will bring no change to the way our world goes on. I must admit, the hard moments I had seeing, hearing, and thinking of this news, yet now for the peace of my mind I shall end it.
Thanks god.
Back to Iranian music, Heirani.
I did lots and lots of Gtkmm.
Sunday 12/31/06
Today I only downloaded music from download.com. Now I listen to Susan Raven singing I Think Of You. Not a lot to say. I couldn't get the update thing to work on fc6 after all. It takes loads of time and normally it hits errors. This, I write is what I call a log. A log of what I've just done, in the world I have been let to live in.
The diary has been brought home and now I can also log some of the stuff I do at home on my i686. The MP3 decoder was installed tonight. The Plugin was downloaded from www.fluendo.com.
Monday 01/01/07
1st of January 2007. Just wrote the date in another manner to make it obvious. Some relatives are here and I decided to stay home for now. I rather not do any Gtkmm in front of them.
On the condition of finding some money I want to go out and buy some stuff, like a long enough headphone and some thick socks.
Thursday 01/05/07
The whole day was spent on fixing my computer, which went off on a random sequence. The Olive garden from, the music of The Passion of the Christ, I listen to now, the music that truly suits the movie and has taken my heart for the least. Oh the computer seemed to have a loose connection, one that provided 12 Vs of power to the CPU. Oh yes! very important. Cleaned the connection several times using a contact cleaner. Still unsure of the security of the connection, I write in full English words.
Caught a cold; throat burns. Loads of pills, I've taken. Not the issue though.
Jesus is being arrested according to the music;
Insight, or enlightenment, the word is not the issue; the state though as the music suggests -most sadly- is that Peter is denying Jesus three times before the cock calls. Yet the issue on which one may ponder deeply or much better see in full is what is. I see now, never before, what is. Maybe through a lighter fog than before, but to watch, just to see, even through this fog, is indeed meditation, for I am calm, and the state of my mind is free; free to observe in whole the beauty of what is. What is now. The beauty of life as it has always flourished, and I can not say it always will, for the future is indeed, never seen.
Mary goes to jesus, the music lovingly fills my ears. The ears of a human, not of mine as the me, but the human.
Will this be an end to the misery of the me? I care not, for the me is the misery.