Monday, May 30, 2005

An amazing world

I don't know about the truth of this fact but I read in a book( a science-fiction one, that you can't tell if it's fiction or science ) that 99.9 % of the living species that have ever lived on the Earth are now extinct. Is'nt that amazing. It means that we were saved by a chance of 0.001. Lucky us then. Now let's consider another fact which is not from a science fiction book but just as amazing. Ok the fact is that our ancestors make an upward tree( remember an upward tree of which you are the root. ) My mum and dad are the two nodes one level higher than me, and the 4 nodes that are 2 levels higher than me are theire mum's and dad's now 2^n nodes( my ancestors ) are n levels higher than me. let's assume that a person's average life span is 65 years. now think of the ancestors that are 20 levels higher that me that means 2^20 people who lived about 1300 years ago. surely they did'nt live in just one place, since 2^20 = 1048576. So they must have been scattered at least over all of asia. 1300 years ago, what was the average chance of a baby's survival ? you can guess how low that would be. Let's think that it was 75%( Think about all the deseases and uncured ilnesses that were around then). now if any of my 2^20 ancestors were killed before theire children were born, I Would not be alive now. Since All my ancectors must have lived I am alive with a chance of ( 3/4 )^(2^20 ) that means zero. so how come I am alive ? You see this is how amzing our world is, we are alive only out of pure luck. Can you feel life going up and down your body. Remember that the chance for you to live as the person you are now is zero, but you are alive. is'nt that amazing? Praise god for the pure chance to live.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

inside and outside.

Does the one inside ever understand the one outside?
Watching the rain from inside... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005


خیلی چیز ها نوشته بودم اما از شانس من از دست رفت. خوش و خرم باشید. از این به بعد سعی می کنم اول تو یه ویراشگر بنویسم بعد کپی کنم.حق یارت

Monday, May 16, 2005

Today, and ...

Gave my exam today. Wasn't bad I think and hope, but I don't know what the teacher is going to think when he sees my writings. Any how, some thing inside me suggests that I go to SBU and have some fun with my friends today, yet I have Exercises to give in on Wednesday, and I should stay. The hell with this mark thing, I rather not think of it. My friend Alinia is getting better, day by day since he has'nt updated his blog for a long time. That's good, but now I have no way of knowing what he is up to. Farid wanted to surprise me yesterday, but he hadn't brought the thing that he was supposed to surprise me with, guess that's life isn't it. As you see my way of writing has changed, maybe this is because of the book I've read lately. One way of saying what you've done indirectly is talking about it's consequences. Any how it was abnormal of me to finish a 350 page book in less than 3 days, guess it was'nt a normal book. I had written nearly all of these yesterday and wanted to post it but the computer hanged before I could post it. Mr Hashemi Rafsangani( or maybe Rafsanjani, who cares ) has become a candidate of the next presidental election. I don't know what you might think of this, but I think that his quiet sure of beoming president, otherwise he would'nt have candidated. How come he is so sure? god knows and maybe a few other people. The international book fair was fun and exiting. So many books, I had a hard time picking my kind, and so I bought as few books as possible. This was a different post wasn't it?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mohamad Alinia, and my other friends. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

امتحان نظریه ی زبان ها و ماشین ها

برای اینکه نمی تونم خوب به فارسی بنویسم سوال ها رو به انگلیسی می نویسم.
1. Prove that L= { w | w != Reverse(w) } is not a regular language.
2. Prove that the set of all regular expresions over the alphabet {a,b} is a context free language.
3. Let A and B be languages and L = { X | XY is in A and Y is in B } prove that if A and B are regular languages then so is L.
4. Let L = { a^nb^n | n >= 0 }U{a^nb^2n | n >= 0 }, prove that L is context free but it is not a deterministic context free language.
5. Prove that if A is an infinite countable set, then there exists an infinite countable subset of A named B, such that A-B is also an infinite countable set.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

فانی قریب

یکی نیست بگه علی مگه تو اون همه امتحان نداری؟ البته غیر از خودم. خوب پس چرا اینجا نشستی داری این ها رو می نویسی؟ آخه دیگه حال و حوصله ای واسم نمونده یه زمانی چه قدر سرزنده بودم حالا انگار دارم می میرم پیر شدم هر کی می بینتم می گه علی چی شده غمت چیه؟ دلم هوای خونه رو می کنه . خواهر سه ساله ام می گه علی امروز عصر بیا خونه ببینمت من می گم نمی تونم اما اون که هنوز نه مفهوم فاصله رو می فهمه نه مفهوم زمان رو دوباره می گه علی بیا خونه ببینمت و من همین طور که الان بغض کردم و هر چند لحظه اشکام رو پاک می کنم با صدای بغض کرده دوباره می گم که نمیتونم و اون دوباره اصرار می کنه ومن در حالی که بغضم داره می ترکه میگم تو دعا کن شاید بیام و اون مثل اینکه حرف من رو فهمیده باشه دیگه اصرار نمی کنه . دیشب می گفت فاذا سالک عبادی عنی فانی قریب ... تازه می گفت که اگر دعا کنی همون موقع که دعا کردی اجابت می کنه. چقدر کارش درسته انگار خدا هم مفهوم زمان و فاصله رو نمی شناسه.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Don't worry My friend, Don't worry.

Long time no see. My god, He is worried, make his worries go away. Make him لاخوف علیهم و هم لا یحزنون. He has come across this verse many times in the last days, his only hope is on you. My god from whom can he want when he only has you, and if he believes in things other than you make him what you please, as you please my god.
یه غلطی کردم و از اول ترم مثل بچه آ دم درس نخوندم حالا مجبورم تا می تونم درس بخونم که البته خیلی هم حال و حوصله ی درس خوندن رو ندارم ولی همین مقداری که می خونم باعث شده این قزوینی های اتاق بغل فکر بکنند که من حسابی خرخون شدم. یه جوری از آدم دوری میکنند انگار که ایدز داری البته دور از جون من و شما. اره این طوری هاست
حالا از این حرف ها که بگذریم از 2-تا پروژه که تحویل دادم دو تا نتیجه گرفتم. یکی خوب یکی نه چندان خوب. اول نتیجه خوب رو بگم که پروژه اول از 100 شدم 120 و خبر نه چندان خوب اینکه پروژه دوم از 100 شدم 0 بله یه صفر گنده. به طور متوط میشه 60 از 100 و خوب خیلی هم بد نیست. این از نمره هام و امتحان محاسبات دادم که نتیجه اش شنبه میاد و امتحان نظریه دارم پنجشنبه و امتحان مدار منطقی دارم شنبه
جمعه قزوین بودم واقعا بهشت برین شده سبز و خرم با شکوفه های رنگارنگ و هوای تازه و حال و هوای بهار. آدم از زندگی تو تهرون پشیمون می شه. دلم می خواد برم خونه و با طبیعت زندگی کنم. خدا یه فرصتی بده برم خونه دوباره.
فرید فرخی نوشته که اگه این جوری هاست من آخرش نویسنده می شم و اون هم کاشف. پس فرید جان معلوم می شه که اشتباه از من بوده و خیلی هم آن جوری ها نیست. برم سر کلاس حل تمرین