Thursday, January 06, 2005

Today, just as it went

Today is one of those days that look like any day, it's snowing outside, and I haven't seen the sun shine, the snow is like rain it melts in to water just as it hits the ground, the kind of snow, that we have seen lots of. I like snow when it settles on the ground, when it makes every where look white, when it makes you feel warm. This sort of snow is so beautiful it stops one from thinking, it dissolves one in its beauty, it makes you feel like a child, but what use has this remembering when today's snow won't settle. Let it be as it is.
Today is my little sister's birthday, now she is three years old. I have promised her that Mooshmooshi will come to her birthday party. He is one of the characters, a mouse, from the stories I tell her. She likes him a lot, I made him up myself with all the stories I tell her of him and his friends and family, maybe someday I will write some of those stories. I will have to buy her a toy mouse and tell her that he is Mooshmooshi.
I bought her a toy mouse if anyone calls it a mouse, it looks more like a little bear, but lucky me, she is satisfied, she thinks that he is really Mooshmoohi.

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