Sunday, December 26, 2004

I've just given my DS exam.

Hell of an exam, it was.
I hate it when you have studied the subject but your study is not examinated in the exam. I call this sort of exam "Mozakhraf".
I have decided to leave thinking about it to never. I mean Iam never going to think about it again, this way Iam completely ready to do what I should do, and I become completely new. Iam going to study Eng. math tonight and if I can I will study Assembly...
The hell with this, Iam always writing what Iam going to do later. I never say what Iam doing now.
Now Iam writing this post, at the same time Iam thinking about what to write next, you see Iam always thinking of the future, what happens if I stop thinking of the future???
Enough for today ha.

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