Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The beauty of the mountains

Yesterday, or maybe I should say today morning, me and some of my friends, left the mandatory for toochal at 2 :00 am. We were back at 5:00 am and I think I had a good time with them. The mountains were so beautiful at night and the sky was so clear, no one was there except us and when we beacame quiet, the silence was more than to be described, the city was under a cloud of dust and smoke but the sky above it was so blue and clean, and it reminded us of the violence and badness over the city and the pureness of the heavens above it, of how we have polluted this world with our minds and our selfishness.
Are we ever going to learn? Man has always lived with violence and selfishness. 5000 years ago we had wars and we killed, now in the 21st centuary, we have wars and we kill. Aren't we all responsible for this, just as much as others or do you think that our leaders and governers our more responsible, isn't this a kind of selfishness itself, can we see this, as if we are seeing a tree, a flower or a mountain. Do we see life, like we see the beauty in a mountain. Have we ever seen life, like this, have we ever ?

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