Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Pigeon

Today, while watching a pigeon drink from a pool, I realized something. I'll describe what I saw and what went through my mind.
The Pigeon:
The pigeon, stood beside the pool, took very quick looks around, dipped it's head into water for a fraction of a second, took it out, took some more cautious looks, then dipped it's head in the pool for about a second, then quickly flied away.
If I was to have so much anxiety every time I drank water, life wouldn't be worth it. Oh! Maybe the pigeon doesn't have that anxiety, and it's just how I see it. Maybe one can take cautious measures, yet not be scared, not have any anxiety.


محمد علی‌نیا said...

It's a routine for its life, isn't it?

Ali Soltani said...

Yeah! I guess so; Its relation to the "human routine" is interesting though... don't you think?

Unknown said...

Long time and here is dormant. Buddy! Deal with your untiltled.